Mirait One A one-stop solution for container data centers|電経新聞

Mirait One A one-stop solution for container data centers

再エネ電力の活用イメージ(Utilization of renewable energy electricity)

Mirait One and Morgenrot began offering the Mirait One Container DC One-Stop Solution on March 6.
This solution is a one-stop service that provides everything from design and construction to operation and maintenance of container data centers.
Mirait One’s Managing Director Tatsuzo Miyazaki said, “As demand for GPU services has increased rapidly, demand for container data centers has also risen sharply. We will not only respond to individual construction projects, but also provide full-value container data center services.”
Traditionally, businesses considering setting up or using data centers had to sign contracts for each process, such as design, construction, operation, maintenance, and server procurement.
In addition, it takes three to four years to build a new data center. It is also difficult to make existing data centers compatible with high-performance GPU servers or high power and high heat emissions. In recent years, the hurdle of securing land has also increased.
In contrast, container data centers can be built in as little as six months, shortening the construction period. The unique modular design makes it easy to expand, making it easy to introduce water-cooling technology that can handle high power and high heat emissions. Since container data centers are not treated as buildings, it is easy to secure land.

The Mirait One container DC one-stop solution eliminates the need to enter into contracts for each process, allowing for short delivery times. It also allows for flexible use to meet the needs of businesses.

The company says it will flexibly respond to requests such as “I want to place solar power facilities next to my container data center,” “I want to build an office next to my container data center,” and “I want to build a container data center on farmland.”

In addition, the GPU cloud matching service utilizes the processing power of container data centers to provide the necessary computing power, when and as much as needed. Users will be able to use GPUs at a low cost.

The two companies will establish a research and development facility in Shinkiba on Tuesday, the 18th. The company says it will aim to improve safety, environmental performance, and computing power to global standards for container data centers, which are expected to expand in the future.

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