“9th draft “EE system theory”” Hideya Inoue (Management structure analysis consultant)

EE system theory is a theory about the composition and operation of a general system. It pursues the essence of “organized but complex systems” as a subject. First, ① the concept of a general system is presented. Then, ② the basic types of system conceptual models (see 6th draft) are presented, confirming that an organization is one of the discrete event systems, and finally, ③ a formalized metamodel and conceptual model of a discrete event system is derived.
① General system concept: Based on Bunge’s ontological system concept, that is, “a system is a triplet of the system composition, which is a collection of elements that all belong to the same category, the system environment, which is a collection of elements that all belong to the same category, and the system structure, which is the combination that influences each other between the system compositions and between the elements of the composition and the environment.” The composition consists of the core and boundary in the diagram.
② System conceptual model: There are three types of system conceptual models: black box model, white box model, and gray box model. The white box model is the one that can essentially represent the composition and operation of a system.
The system under consideration here is an organization, a category of social system, and a discrete event system driven by discrete events (which includes not only technological systems, but also many familiar systems such as organizations, logistics systems, and information systems).
③Formalized metamodel and conceptual model of discrete event systems: The PRISMA model is defined mathematically as a metamodel of discrete event systems. From there, a conceptual model (PRISMA white-box model) is derived and formalized with a focus on the system configuration and operation. This model can be expressed as a prisma-net diagram, which is a network consisting of processors, channels, and banks.
Furthermore, a conceptual model (PRISMA gray-box model) is derived and formalized with a focus on behavior. This conceptual model identifies three ways of mutual influence between system elements, namely activation, constraint, and inhibition, which express behavior that depends on internal states and processes.
The PRISMA model is defined as a sextuplet. P stands for performance function, R stands for reaction-based (base: base for accumulating patterns), I stands for inhibition-based, S stands for state-based, M stands for change-based, and A stands for action-based.
This theory is difficult to understand, so it is sufficient to understand that “organizations are discrete event systems, and their “behavior,” “structure and operation” can be formalized mathematically as a conceptual model”.
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