JAXA and Fujitsu use explainable AI to predict solar radiation in advance|電経新聞

JAXA and Fujitsu use explainable AI to predict solar radiation in advance

JAXA, Fujitsu, and the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, which operates Gifu University and Nagoya University, will conduct research on “Development of solar radiation prediction technology for lunar and Mars exploration using explainable AI technology” until March 31 next year. This research aims to predict solar energetic particle events on the lunar surface using Fujitsu’s explainable AI, simulation data held by the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, and lunar surface data held by JAXA. Solar energetic particles are a type of cosmic radiation that is formed suddenly due to the occurrence of solar flares and other events and propagates through space. Direct exposure to them on the lunar surface or in space around the Earth can reach a lethal dose.

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