AI automatically judges 6 steps of food hygiene hand washing, with over 95% accuracy CONTEC

CONTEC (Osaka City, President Kazuyoshi Nishiyama) has developed a system device that uses AI to automatically judge the 6 steps of food hygiene hand washing recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (photo). By accumulating learning of inference models in demonstration experiments with food manufacturers, the correctness of hand washing at each step can be judged with over 95% accuracy. The company has established technology to accurately recognize the use of disinfectant and hand soap and the running water condition, which are difficult to do with normal image processing.
The introduction of this product will solve issues at restaurants, food factories and medical sites, such as preventing missed hand washing/records and reducing the man-hours of supervisors, and will also help ensure food safety. Messages can be displayed in Japanese, English and Chinese. Messages in other languages can also be added, making it useful for hygiene management education for foreign employees.
※Translating Japanese articles into English with AI