122 research results in one place NTT R&D Forum 2024
NTT R&D Forum 2024 brought together the latest R&D efforts, including IOWN use cases, generative AI, and quantum computer-related technologies. 122 research results were introduced.

光暗号回路(軽量暗号PRESENT、4ビット入出力)(Optical encryption circuit (lightweight encryption PRESENT, 4-bit input/output))
In the research and development of optical encryption circuit technology that realizes cryptographic calculations with light, NTT are implementing encryption circuits with light, and working to ensure the safety and improve the convenience of next-generation optical communications and optical computing systems as a whole. They have achieved results such as the world’s first realization of one round of cryptographic calculations for common key encryption with optical circuits, and we aim to install it in optical information processing platforms such as optical disaggregated computing after 2030.

光量子コンピュータ向け光デバイス技術。写真は光量子コンピュータ実機(Optical device technology for quantum computers. Photo shows an actual quantum computer)
NTT also exhibited optical device technology for optical quantum computers. We aim to realize an optical quantum computer by fusing optical communication and photonics.
It is said that the more quantum bits a quantum computer has, the closer it is to practical use. Currently, the mainstream of quantum computers is the superconducting method or the neutral atom method, and at this stage there are many quantum bits. On the other hand, optical quantum computers do not use superconductivity and do not require cooling equipment, so they are easy to miniaturize and are suitable for scaling up quantum bits.
At present, there are only a few quantum bits, but it is expected that the number will increase in the future. NTT is working with the RIKEN Institute and the University of Tokyo to build the world’s first general-purpose optical quantum computing platform. At the forum, a demonstration was held by connecting the Musashino Research and Development Center and RIKEN via a network.
In addition, agricultural crop breeding technology that realizes low-environmental impact agriculture was exhibited.
By cultivating crops that have a high CO2 absorption capacity but do not require the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, the company aims to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural production and improve profitability. One of the core technologies is a unique egg/sperm cell fusion technology that contributes to low environmental impact of plants.
In space-related research, NTT exhibited wireless energy transmission technology that transmits power to rovers operating on the lunar surface with high efficiency and without contact.
The lunar surface has a drastic change in environment, making it difficult to use batteries or solar cells.
To this end, NTT is conducting basic research with the aim of transmitting energy to the rover by sending radio waves to the sand on the lunar surface.
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