Achieving four times the capacity with a single optical fiber NTT lineups construction, operation, and maintenance technologies

NTT has lineups of on-site construction, maintenance, and operation technologies that are essential for the commercial introduction of four-core multicore optical fiber (MCF) optical transmission lines, which enable four times the capacity of current optical fibers with a single communication optical fiber. It is effective in optical communications between data centers, where the demand for the number of optical fiber cores continues to grow exponentially, and in undersea optical transmission sections where the optical fiber mounting space in the optical cable is limited.
In data center networks, the diameter of the optical cable tends to expand as the number of optical fibers mounted increases, and underground pipes are approaching the upper limit of the cable diameter that can be laid. The number of optical fibers that can be mounted in an undersea optical cable is limited to several dozen, and the upper limit of the number of optical fiber cores that can be accommodated has been reached.
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