Strengthening overseas expansion of call center AI NTT Technocross|電経新聞

Strengthening overseas expansion of call center AI NTT Technocross

NTT Technocross has partnered with Nextgen to launch a version of its call center AI product “FSVM (ForeSight Voice Mining)” that is compatible with the platform “Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM),” which integrates various communication functions, and has introduced it to a US BPO company.
Call centers and other BPO companies are being asked to promote DX using the latest technology to improve productivity and operational efficiency in the provision of various services such as customer support and back office operations.
NTT Technocross, which is seeking to strengthen its overseas business, believes that linking FSVM to CUCM, which is used by US BPO companies, will lead to the promotion of DX in call center operations, and has developed a linking function between CUCM and FSVM by combining it with Nextgen’s voice recording and capture system “LA-6000.”
This will enable call center operators to take advantage of real-time voice recognition using FSVM to improve call quality and reduce their workload.

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