Lightning protection balls introduced for lightning protection  Koka Gakuen|電経新聞

Lightning protection balls introduced for lightning protection  Koka Gakuen

設置された避雷球(Installed lightning protection ball)

The Koka Gakuen school corporation (Tokyo) has introduced the “Lightning Protection Ball (PDCE)” lightning protection equipment from Lightning Control Systems (Yokohama, President Toshio Matsumoto).
The Lightning Protection Ball (PDCE) is a lightning protection product that keeps lightning away. The company is promoting it as an alternative solution to lightning rods that help lightning strike.
In order to protect the grounds of the school as a whole, Koka Gakuen installed one each in the junior high school and high school building, the elementary school building, and the tennis court.
Insurance cannot cover the labor and time required to restore computers, communications, air conditioners, etc. Koka Gakuen uses computers in classes and has Wi-Fi in the classrooms.
Due to the increasingly severe weather, the installation was completed in early June before lightning strikes occurred frequently. A special budget was secured to deal with the situation.

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