NTT Sonority has launched nwm’s first flagship model, an open-ear overhead ear speaker that will develop overseas markets in the US, Europe, and China|電経新聞

NTT Sonority has launched nwm’s first flagship model, an open-ear overhead ear speaker that will develop overseas markets in the US, Europe, and China

右から秋元さん、磯村さん、長岡さん(From the right: Akimoto, Isomura, and Nagaoka)

坂井社長(President Sakai)

NTT Sonority has launched nwm ONE, the first flagship model of the audio brand nwm.

President Hiroshi Sakai promotes the product by saying, “This is a groundbreaking model that brings together all of our technologies. It is the ultimate model that maximizes sound quality, which has been an issue with open-ear earphones, and also focuses on balancing it with sound leakage suppression performance.”

The product’s technical features include the core sound-controlling technologies “PSZ” and “Magic Focus Voice.” Both are technologies developed by NTT Laboratories.

PSZ traps sound close to the ear without blocking the ear, so even though it is an open-ear model, sound leakage is not an issue. In addition, the patented technology “Magic Focus Voice” cuts out surrounding sounds and delivers only your own voice, reducing the stress of the other party hearing the sound during phone calls and online meetings.
The domestic market for open-ear earphones has grown rapidly and is expected to continue to grow. The overseas market is also growing at an annual rate of 8%. The market size in 2023 was 317.3 billion yen, but is predicted to grow to 578.5 billion yen by 2030.
President Sakai explained, “We see the overseas market as an area where we will seriously challenge ourselves, and we will begin a concrete approach from this fiscal year. nwm ONE will be launched in the United States first. In Europe, we will begin test marketing in the EU and the UK, mainly in Germany. We will also enter the Chinese market and start sales within the fiscal year.”

The price of nwm ONE is open. It will be sold on Amazon, Rakuten, electronics retailers, etc. At the nwm ONE launch event held in Tokyo on July 18, entertainers Hayato Isomura, Ryosuke Nagaoka, and Kozue Akimoto held a talk session and shared their impressions of the nwm ONE. They praised the simple design and the light, comfortable fit.

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