Ory Lab will introduce avatar robots to pharmacies to address labor shortages and promote employment of people with disabilities|電経新聞

Ory Lab will introduce avatar robots to pharmacies to address labor shortages and promote employment of people with disabilities

Ory Lab will conduct a demonstration experiment with Kyowa Pharmacy to introduce the avatar robot OriHime.
OriHime will begin operations at Kyowa Pharmacy Ichinomiya branch from July 16th. This will be the first time it has been introduced to a pharmacy in the country.
In the demonstration experiment, OriHime will be used in operations at Kyowa Pharmacy Ichinomiya branch, Yokkaichi branch, and Sakae branch every two weeks. OriHime will be operated by a Kyowa Pharmacy staff member with a disability as a pilot.
Specific tasks include “regular reception,” “guiding prescriptions to prescription reception machines and encouraging ticket issuance and collection,” “assistance and explanation of My Number card reception,” and “sales, explanation, and guidance for products other than medicines.”
Pharmacies are short of manpower, especially in rural areas.
Reception work also needs to be handled by pharmacists and medical office staff, and there is an issue of not being able to devote enough time to customer service. In the employment of people with disabilities, there are some who cannot work because they have difficulty going out, which is an issue.
A demonstration experiment will be carried out with the aim of solving this problem.

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