AI estimates kinesiological problems  NEC|電経新聞

AI estimates kinesiological problems  NEC

理学療法士がAIの結果を解説(A physical therapist explains the results of the AI)

NEC Body Care Kagurazaka, operated by NEC, has begun testing a prototype AI technology that estimates kinesiological problems that cause chronic lower back pain for users who receive treatment. This AI uses a camera on a tablet device or other device to capture three movements – bending forward, bending backward, and rotating – and in about 10 seconds it identifies body parts and movements that may be related to the cause of lower back problems.
Therapists check the AI ​​results and communicate their interpretation of the kinesiological problems. They then provide treatment and exercise guidance to improve the kinesiological problems. All therapists are qualified physical therapists.

※Translating Japanese articles into English with AI