Introducing a data utilization platform to create a local economy  Hachijo Town, Tokyo|電経新聞

Introducing a data utilization platform to create a local economy  Hachijo Town, Tokyo

八丈島公式観光アプリ(Hachijojima official tourism app)

As part of efforts to promote Hachijo-jima as a smart island and a sustainable island, Hachijo Town, Tokyo, Mizuho Bank, and Mizuho Research & Technologies, along with NTT Communications (NTT Com), DearOne, and Bally’s, have introduced the “Hachijo-jima Official Tourism App” and “Data Utilization Platform” as part of tourism DX with the aim of creating a sustainable local economy in Hachijo Town.

Using the framework of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Tokyo Treasure Island Sustainable Island Creation Project,” this project aims to create and promote the charm of the region and revitalize the local economy through the use of digital technology and data.

 “Hachijo-jima Official Tourism App” and “Data Utilization Platform” were introduced to further revitalize tourism, one of Hachijo Town’s main industries, and to improve the administration of the town by creating an environment for EBPM (Evidence Based Policy Making), a system for policy planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement using data.
In addition to using digital technologies such as apps, knowledge of sustainability and digital marketing will be utilized in rediscovering and creating the appeal of Hachijojima.

Traditionally, tourism in Hachijo Town has been strong, mainly due to the influx of group tourists, but with a view to actively and strategically attracting individual tourists in order to develop the tourism industry, various measures, such as disseminating information, will be implemented, primarily targeting female millennials, who have a high desire to spend on tourism.

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