IP Motion to build satellite communications earth station in Bihoro Town|電経新聞

IP Motion to build satellite communications earth station in Bihoro Town

ゲートウェイ地球局(Gateway Earth Station)

IP Motion has built and started operating a satellite communications earth station in Bihoro, Hokkaido, to provide the satellite communications services of Globalstar, its strategic partner in the U.S., in Japan and the surrounding areas.

Earth stations are facilities that allow mobile devices using Globalstar’s satellite communications services to communicate with the company’s satellites. Globalstar has deployed similar facilities in approximately 30 locations around the world, providing the ability to send and receive emergency SOS messages via satellite communications from areas without mobile phone coverage or Wi-Fi signals, and are used as communications infrastructure that plays a role in saving lives.

The Bihoro station will function as part of an international communications network that provides mobile satellite services from all over Japan.

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