Creating new destinations nationwide through tourism and lifestyle Satoyume and HIS|電経新聞

Creating new destinations nationwide through tourism and lifestyle Satoyume and HIS

矢田社長㊧と嶋田社長(President Yada (left) and President Shimada (right))

Satoyume and HIS have entered into a capital and business alliance for a new regional revitalization business.
HIS President Motofumi Yata commented, “Our company has been actively expanding into non-travel businesses and has a track record in regional revitalization businesses, but since we have been developing our business on our own until now, we have not been able to fully utilize our own resources. By collaborating with Satoyume, we would like to further bring out the charm of the region”.

Through this partnership, we plan to promote a wide range of projects, including the development and promotion of regional tourism resources, and the creation of new tourist spots through co-creation with local residents.
Satoyume President Shunpei Shimada said, “In a word, it is a regional revitalization business that creates new destinations nationwide”.
In anticipation of the booming inbound tourism and overtourism, we will actively dispatch specialized personnel to the regions, create new destinations, and accelerate the production of regional revitalization centered on people. Furthermore, we aim to revitalize regions not only as tourist destinations, but as destinations for daily life and life.

The two companies have established a system to provide regions with the plans and human resources necessary to create new destinations. Satoyume will be responsible for drawing up plans and strategies, building relationships with the community, and launching new businesses. HIS will be responsible for developing specific products, attracting customers, and promotion.
For example, support for local governments will be carried out in five steps: 1) “Hearing about local issues and resources,” 2) “Planning and formulating strategies for creating new destinations,” 3) “Signing comprehensive collaboration agreements with local governments and dispatching specialized human resources,” 4) “Support for realizing plans and strategies and commercialization,” and 5) “Support for commercializing accommodation, experiences, etc. and sending customers”.

President Shimada says, “We think that human resources are particularly important. If necessary, we will dispatch specialized human resources to local governments, etc., utilizing systems such as the Regional Revitalization Entrepreneur Program promoted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications”.
He says that they have already received inquiries from many local governments.

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