The latest IOWN case study introduced at Interrop  NTT Com|電経新聞

The latest IOWN case study introduced at Interrop  NTT Com

リモート“バーチャル”プロダクションによる中継(Broadcast via remote "virtual" production)

Interrop Tokyo 2024 was held for three days from Wednesday the 12th to Friday the 14th at Makuhari Messe in Chiba City.

NTT Communications (NTT Com) conducted an IOWN-related demonstration.

Specifically, a demonstration was conducted of “Remote Virtual Production” developed by NTT West. In the production of video programs, the IOWN APN was combined with a method of remote production in which filming and production are done in different locations.

For example, in the case of golf broadcasts, up until now, the video and audio of each hole were recorded, and remote staff operated the camera and audio switching while coordinating the timing. For this reason, many on-site staff were stationed at each hole. In addition, multiple communications and equipment for video and lines had to be prepared to prevent video degradation.

幕張メッセにいるオペレータがあたかも同じ空間で収録をしているかのような映像を制作(The operator at Makuhari Messe produced footage that looked as if they were recording in the same space.)

On the other hand, by utilizing a low-latency, high-capacity APN, it is possible to communicate with remote performers and staff as if they were right next to each other, minimizing the number of on-site staff. Since the video can be sent to the studio uncompressed, it is possible to reduce the number of lines and equipment.
The demo also incorporated virtual elements. A VTuber in Tokyo, a performer in Osaka, and a performer at Makuhari Messe all used the APN to broadcast video as if they were recording in the same space, controlled by an operator at Makuhari Messe.

触覚伝送のデモ風景(Tactile transmission demonstration)

A demo of haptic transmission over APN “OPEN HUB” was also held.
Haptic transmission is a technology that transmits vibrations (touch) to a remote party. Only vibrations are transmitted using an audio vibration speaker.
In the demo, Otemachi, Tokyo and Makuhari Messe were connected by APN, and haptics were transmitted in addition to audio and video. Specifically, if you place your hand on a table in front of you, you can sense whether the remote party is tapping or rubbing the table.
Humans have sensitive haptic functions, and even the slightest delay makes them feel uncomfortable. With a low-latency APN, haptics can be transmitted without any discomfort.
NTT Com is currently considering use cases for commercialization.

“We are considering advanced uses such as feedback from remotely operated heavy machinery and subtle sensations during surgery,” said Shoji Satoshi, an evangelist at NTT Com.

NTT Com also exhibited a multi-vendor interconnection device that uses the standardization technology “OPEN APN technology” promoted by the IOWN Global Forum. A multi-vendor environment was interconnected using second-generation photonics-electronics convergence devices via a 400 gigabit/second optical wavelength path.

Shoji said, “We are working on standardization at the IOWN Global Forum so that common technology can be used between vendors in network monitoring as well. We will first work on standardization of APN at the IOWN Global Forum, which is an industry group, and then approach the ITU-T and others”.