Utilizing data to realize personalized optimal medical care   New company “NTT Precision Medicine” launched|電経新聞

Utilizing data to realize personalized optimal medical care   New company “NTT Precision Medicine” launched

是川社長(President Korekawa)

NTT will launch a new company, “NTT Precision Medicine,” in July to provide personalized optimal prevention and medical care.
Specifically, the company name of NTT Life Sciences will be changed to NTT Precision Medicine. In addition, the New Medical Real-World Data Research Institute (PRiME-R), which develops services that utilize clinical information (real-world data) within the NTT Group, and Clinical Support, an affiliate of NTT Data that handles SMO (Site Management Organization) business, will become subsidiaries of NTT Precision Medicine. Furthermore, in October, the organization that operates the electronic medical record (Mobacal) business at NTT Device Techno, an affiliate of NTT Innovative Devices, will be absorbed into NTT Precision Medicine.

The president of the new company, Koji Korekawa, said, “We will utilize data to provide personalized optimal services. We will develop a one-stop service from data generation to data-utilizing services, and implement it in society”.
The new company will promote digital transformation of medical institutions’ operations. It will provide systems to support medical institutions in improving their efficiency and reforming work styles.
Medical institutions generate a variety of data, including clinical data and real-world data. While this data is generally incorporated into electronic medical records, it is often unstructured and not suitable for data utilization. The new company will use generative AI to structure this unstructured data and promote the automatic creation of case reports.
For companies, stores, and local governments, it will provide services to support the health promotion measures they promote for their employees and residents. For example, it is currently collaborating with Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture. Tamano City is implementing health promotion measures as a resident service, and the new company will support the creation of a system that leads to improved resident services through the provision of data and programs.
For pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, it will provide data necessary for research. Currently, various evidence is required in drug discovery, medical device development, and health service development, and the need for data utilization is increasing.
President Korekawa said, “We want to build a system where we can collect structured data and process it into data that will contribute to research and provide it. For example, pharmaceutical companies are looking for systems to collect data from clinical trial subjects, so we would like to support them in that area”.
The new company’s current operating revenue is about 4 billion yen. They hope to increase this to the 10 billion yen level by 2028.
“Going forward, we will continue to expand our business, including through M&A, and aim even higher,” said President Korekawa.