e-Sports and Training Package Launched NTT e-Sports|電経新聞

e-Sports and Training Package Launched NTT e-Sports

公開トライアルの様子(Public Trials)

NTT e-Sports and Ajec released the “e-Sports x Training Package” today, the 3rd, which incorporates the team-based competitive element of e-Sports into corporate training and teaches the ABCs of team building. Prior to the release, a public trial was held in Tokyo on the 29th of last month. The training was conducted for employees of NTT East’s Tokyo East Branch.
The training used a game called MOBA, in which players split into teams and cooperate with their allies to fight against the enemy team. MOBA is a game that emphasizes strategy, and even if you have high individual skills, you cannot win unless you work well with your team. The key to victory is to work together as a team to come up with a strategy.

This time, each team consisted of four people. Team members were employees from each department, and were basically meeting for the first time. People who did not know each other well communicated with each other to formulate a strategy and play the game.
This training taught participants how to communicate in a stressful environment. It also teaches participants how to divide roles within a team and how to reach a conclusion. Also, when participants become absorbed in a game, personality traits they were not aware of may come out. Being evaluated by others in a post-game questionnaire also provides an opportunity to re-examine their own personality.
Ida Hidemasa, section manager at NTT e-Sports, explains, “This is team-building training that is required as a basic skill for working adults. The elements of team-building are action, thinking, and teamwork, which are essential for working in a team.”
Price plans for the “e-Sports x Training Package” start from 500,000 yen.