Global expansion of RFID for built-in tires  Murata Manufacturing|電経新聞

Global expansion of RFID for built-in tires  Murata Manufacturing

第4世代リンクレス構造(4th generation linkless structure)

Murata Manufacturing  has concluded a license agreement with France’s Michelin regarding RFID tags for use in tires and the integration of RFID tags into tires.
With this agreement, Murata Manufacturing’s 4th generation linkless RFID tags can now be provided to tire manufacturers around the world. The 4th generation linkless structure is a structure in which the RFID module and external antenna function as an RFID tag through magnetic coupling.
RFID tags built into tires will streamline tire management in factories and warehouses, as well as maintenance and quality traceability in logistics and the aftermarket.
In Japan, due to the worsening shortage of truck drivers due to the 2024 problem, there is a need to reduce the burden of non-delivery tasks such as delivery and inspection by truck drivers.
Furthermore, in Europe, due to the promotion of environmental measures such as ESPR and the digital product passport system, emphasis is placed on improving the efficiency of product information acquisition, management and inspection, and ensuring traceability.
Therefore, in the tire industry, it is expected that RFID tags will be used to manage tires, including their life cycles, and to improve their efficiency, and the installation of RFID tags in tires is progressing.

ESPR (Eco-design for Sustainable Products Regulation) is a regulation that requires producers to apply eco-design requirements such as durability, repairability, and reusability at the product design stage.

The digital product passport system is a system that records and traces the sustainability of products (information such as raw materials used, manufacturer, recyclability, and disassembly methods).