Exploring the possibilities of sleep and music  Konel, NTT East and NTT DX partner|電経新聞

Exploring the possibilities of sleep and music  Konel, NTT East and NTT DX partner

レーベル設立記念として睡眠をテーマにしたライブが行われた(A live performance themed around sleep was held to commemorate the establishment of the label.)

NTT East and NTT DX partner Konel have established a label “SLEEP SOUND LABEL?ZZZN” to explore the possibilities of sleep and music, and have started distributing “ZZZN EP Vol. 1” as the first work. . On March 15th , World Sleep Day, Chara, one of the artists who participated in the first production with a song, performed a live performance on the theme of sleep to commemorate the establishment.
Teppei Ogata of the Sleep Tech Business Team at NTT East Business Innovation Headquarters says,” There is no market for music and sleep yet.We will create that market and become the leading company.This is our goal with ZZZZN’.’
ZZZN offers services such as “music production”, “music arrangement”, “music distribution”, and “sleep music verification”. The company plans to launch various projects based on these topics.
Mr. Ogata said, “We have received many inquiries regarding projects related to music and sleep. For example, Noboribetsu Grand Hotel wants to update its guest rooms with sound to increase the value of the customer experience. We are working with Nippon TV and Brainsleep to update picture book reading content with music”.
Five companies (ENBRY, yogibo, NELL, ANNELBED, ST) that participate in the corporate community “Sleep Network Hub” “ZAKONE” are supporting ZZZN.