Building a mobile network equipped with computing functions NTT and NTT docomo|電経新聞

Building a mobile network equipped with computing functions NTT and NTT docomo

モバイルネットワークとコンピューティングの融合(The convergence of mobile networks and computing)

NTT and NTT docomo are expanding the mobile core, which is compliant with 3GPP standards, based on the “Inclusive Core” concept proposed by NTT as a core network for the 6G/IOWN era, to leverage the computing functionality that is one of the characteristics of 6G. We built and jointly demonstrated a fully equipped mobile network.
Specifically, for the first time in the world, we have demonstrated that it is possible to build dedicated computing functions within the network, depending on the characteristics of mobile devices and communication conditions, and use high-performance applications with low latency. This makes it possible to use services in the 6G/IOWN era, where high-performance processing capabilities are required on the terminal side, without depending on the performance of the terminal.
Inclusive Core is a network architecture proposed by NTT. Achieve various fusions and cooperation through networks, and realize the fusion of computing and networks such as AI-integrated communication and cyber-physical systems.