“Mechanism of predictive dreams” Mitsufumi Okamoto (Director of Internal Medicine Okamoto Clinic)|電経新聞

“Mechanism of predictive dreams” Mitsufumi Okamoto (Director of Internal Medicine Okamoto Clinic)

Since ancient times, people have dreamed and used their dreams to predict fortune and misfortune and the future.

Sleep alternates between REM sleep, when the brain is awake and the eyeballs are moving, and non-REM sleep, when both the brain and eyeballs are at rest. It is thought that during REM sleep we have vivid, complex dreams with stories, while during NREM sleep we have simple dreams. However, dreaming is a phenomenon that has not yet been fully understood.

This time I would like to tell you my strange story about such a dream.
One day, I received a call from a nurse in the hematology ward asking me to insert an IV needle for a patient who was being admitted for the first time, so I headed to the ward.
This was the first time I had met him as he was not the patient I was in charge of as the attending physician, but for some reason, as soon as I entered the room,  ” I met you in a dream before!There must have been a vein in his left arm that would be easy to administer an intravenous drip to”.I felt like electricity was running through my entire body. When I actually looked at my arm, I saw veins that were exactly the same size and running as I had seen in my dream. I watched as the needle was successfully placed in the blood vessel in one go, and the result was just as I had dreamed of.

Another patient who was being seen for the first time said, “I met you in a dream some time ago!” Even though I hadn’t had any examinations or tests yet, the moment I walked into the exam room, I was told, “I met you in a dream someday! I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and was admitted to the hospital.” I instantly thought, ” I’ll get a fever on day x, but I’ll get better on day △, and I’ll be discharged from the hospital on day XX!” In this case, the diagnosis and progress were exactly as I had dreamed, and I was able to overcome my illness.
Other than that, when I talk to patients or staff, I get the feeling that ” I told you the exact same story in my dream before, right?” When I answer this, the other person responds with this expression, and says, I was able to understand the flow of the conversation from beginning to end, and the conversation often ended exactly as I expected.

There are people in the world who have so-called prophetic dreams or true dreams, such as those who dream of a major disaster in advance and realize that they have come true. In my case, I seem to be the type of person who completely forgets the contents of a dream the morning after, and only remembers it when I find myself in the same situation as the dream, so it would be difficult to warn everyone in advance and urge them to be careful.
Medically, precognitive dreams and true dreams are not considered to be occult, but merely a cognitive bias in which vague dream memories are associated with reality.
If the above-mentioned experience only happened once, I would think it was a cognitive bias, but I have experienced it multiple times in addition to the examples I introduced, and the fact that it goes in such detail and completely according to my dreams is really just a cognitive bias. I myself am very confused as to whether this can be explained.
I hope that the mechanism of precognitive dreams will be further elucidated, and the day will come when my precognitive dreams will be able to contribute to your health.