Promoting pest control technology using data-driven ultraviolet light sources NTT Agri-Technology

NTT Agri Technology, Nagao Shokai, and Plat’Home are collaborating with Kochi Prefecture IoP Cloud to conduct demonstration experiments on data-driven pest control technology that utilizes ultraviolet light sources, a pest control technology that replaces chemical pesticides. They aim to establish and implement pest control technology using data-driven ultraviolet light sources.
Conventionally, it was necessary to irradiate ultraviolet light for a certain period of time under certain conditions every day, which placed a heavy burden on electricity costs, but by controlling the irradiation appropriately according to the environment and conditions of the farmland, it is possible to reduce the cost burden on producers. Achieve mitigation and improve pest control efficiency.
On February 7, the three companies held a presentation for local stakeholders to report on the progress of the demonstration.