Regional Future Co-Creation Forum 2024 will be held NTT East|電経新聞

Regional Future Co-Creation Forum 2024 will be held NTT East

澁谷社長(President Shibutani)

On January 24th, NTT East held the “NTT East Group Regional Future Co-Creation Forum 2024” at the NTT Central Training Center (Chofu, Tokyo) to discuss the NTT East Group’s efforts to realize a regional recycling-based society and the actual situation. solutions were presented. There were also special lectures by NTT East’s management, including a keynote speech by President Naoki Shibuya.

President Shibuya took the stage under the theme of ”Co-creation of a local recycling-oriented society – A new future shape realized through ICT and digitalization” and explained the background and purpose of the company’s aim to create a local recycling-oriented society.

”A major problem facing Japan is a rapid population decline.While a decrease in the population will lead to a more prosperous life, the process of population decline will require nursing care and pensions as the working population decreases. The number of elderly people is rapidly increasing. This painful period will reach its peak between 2040 and 2050. How can we overcome this? Up until now, large cities have supported their regions by becoming wealthy. However, in the future ,population is beginning to decline in cities as well. I think the time has come for each region to create its own society while remaining autonomous”.
At the same time, Japan must aim to develop a sustainable society while protecting the global environment.
”From this perspective, we believe it is necessary to aim for a local recycling-oriented society.It is important to advance approaches that make use of the natural environment, culture, and food available in each region.As a community-based company, NTT East Group With this in mind, we are working to solve regional issues and create value”.