Emergency restoration except for difficult-to-access areas NTT docomo, KDDI and other four companies hold a joint press conference

NTT docomo, KDDI, SoftBank, and Rakuten Mobile held a joint press conference and announced the status of restoration of mobile communication areas following Noto Peninsula earthquake.
The extent of the damage varied slightly depending on the company, but power outages at base stations, lines connecting base stations and communication buildings were cut, power outages at communication buildings, and lines connecting communication buildings were cut across Noto Peninsula.
In response to this situation, base stations provided power relief using generators and mobile power supply vehicles. The lines connecting base stations and communication buildings were restored using mobile base station vehicles and portable base stations. When a power outage occurred at a telecommunications building, a mobile power supply vehicle was used to provide power relief, and when lines connecting telecommunications buildings were cut, they were restored by installing temporary transmission lines.
Noto Peninsula Earthquake caused a lot of landslides, tunnel collapses, and road damage, and vehicular traffic is limited, but all four companies are carrying out emergency restoration work, except in areas that are difficult to access.
The main causes of service interruptions are often transmission line disruptions and prolonged power outages due to landslides, etc., and it takes time to rush to the recovery area and perform recovery activities, so emergency restoration of mobile base station vehicles, satellite lines, generators, etc. They are carrying out emergency restoration of evacuation centers and accessible areas while making maximum use of equipment. The four companies aim to quickly carry out emergency restoration work after clearing roads in difficult-to-reach areas.
NTT docomo and KDDI also jointly operated ”shipboard base station,” which is a mobile phone base station installed on a ship. Mobile phone base station equipment from NTT docomo and KDDI has been installed on the submarine cable-laying ship ” Kizuna” operated by NTT World Engineering Marine, and radio waves received by a satellite antenna are transmitted from the ship, cutting off land routes. As a result, we attempted to restore some coastal areas in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, where restoration was difficult.
The two companies entered into a social contribution partnership agreement signed in 2020 to tackle social issues, and decided to cooperate in areas such as transporting supplies during disasters.