Utilizing Ecomot’s “G Report” to enable satellite communication even in mountainous areas  KDDI|電経新聞

Utilizing Ecomot’s “G Report” to enable satellite communication even in mountainous areas  KDDI

KDDI, Ecomot, and KDDI Matometo Office are developing a solution that combines KDDI’s Starlink service “Starlink Business” for corporations with Ecomot’s outdoor Wi-Fi equipment and remote presence system “G Report”. The demonstration was successful.
They have confirmed that “G Report” can be used without any problems even at construction sites where radio waves cannot reach, such as in mountainous areas or tunnels. When carrying out a variety of inspections, it will be possible to share on-site video with low latency and high-definition video that makes it possible to read fine text without any problems, even in dead zones.
The service is being trialled in the field as part of t”Matching of Field Needs and Technology Seeds” sponsored by the Hokkaido Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and will be available from November 30th.