Smart home with Sleep Tech NTT East|電経新聞

Smart home with Sleep Tech NTT East

快眠のための家(In a home for a good night's sleep)

NTT East Group (NTT East and NTT DX partners) has announced that a sleep app and IoT furniture will work together to provide optimal sleep for residents at the rental condominium “Sustainablanche Hongyotoku” (Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture), which is managed by Haseko Group. Developing an experimental housing unit called “House for Good Sleep” that provides a comfortable living environment.

Sustaina Blanche Hongyotoku was completed in September. This is the first existing renovated property in Japan to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions. It is a 36-unit apartment complex with 13 experimental residential units each with different contents.

NTT East Group will utilize one of the 13 experimental dwelling units to verify the concept of a smart home that focuses on sleep from the perspective of well-being.
Teppei Ogata of NTT East’s Solution Architect Department said, “We collaborated with BrainSleep and focused on creating the space, temperature, humidity, interior based on Sleep Tech’s knowledge.We use IoT to acquire sleep data, We built a system that uses that data as a trigger to connect home appliances”.
For example, the lights may be turned off depending on the resident’s sleeping state, or the curtains may be opened automatically when the resident wakes up.

バーチャル森林浴(Virtual forest bathing)

In other experimental residences, S.T. CORPORATION offers “virtual forest bathing”. Forest bathing is known to relax people and boost their immunity.
With virtual forest bathing, you can experience a simulated forest bath using sounds and scents and images of the forest projected onto the walls and ceilings of the common areas of the apartment.
Sorin Okudaira of S.T. CORPORATION New Business Development Office said, ” Our company is putting a lot of effort into researching forest air.We are working on how far we can recreate a forest from the perspective of scent.Virtual forest bathing, which combines images and sounds, is a great way for people to experience forest air.We would like to examine what kind of impact it will have”.