Installing smart trash cans reducing littering in the Dotonbori area of Osaka|電経新聞

Installing smart trash cans reducing littering in the Dotonbori area of Osaka

スマートゴミ箱(smart trash can)

Dotonbori Shopping Association, NTT Communications, JTB, Force Tech, and Godo Sanitation began a cleanup campaign on November 16th, bringing together the local community, businesses, and tourists. Smart trash cans will be installed in the Dotonbori Shopping Association area as a measure to reduce littering, which is a regional issue in the Dotonbori area in preparation for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo. The smart trash can is equipped with a function that monitors trash accumulation in real time in the cloud, automatically compresses trash internally, and issues an alert before the trash can becomes full.