LAC publishes “Cybersecurity Job File”, a booklet that can be read by everyone from elementary school students to adults with the aim of increasing awareness of cybersecurity work|電経新聞

LAC publishes “Cybersecurity Job File”, a booklet that can be read by everyone from elementary school students to adults with the aim of increasing awareness of cybersecurity work

LAC has released a combined version of ”Cybersecurity Job File – Various Jobs that Everyone Doesn’t Know” ( It was produced and published by the ICT Usage Environment Awareness Support Office of the company’s research and development division, Cyber Grid Japan.

Job File is a combined version of the cybersecurity front-line jobs and columns introduced in Job File 1 and Job File 2. Aimed at a wide range of people, including children, job-hunting students, and corporate employees, it will easily raise awareness and interest in work in the cybersecurity field, and provide an opportunity for them to choose the cybersecurity field as a career they want to pursue in the future. That’s the aim.