Demonstration of black telephone is popular with children, promoting communication construction work that supports cutting-edge technology Machida Telecommunication exhibits at Katsushika Industrial Fair|電経新聞

Demonstration of black telephone is popular with children, promoting communication construction work that supports cutting-edge technology Machida Telecommunication exhibits at Katsushika Industrial Fair

黒電話からスマートフォンに電話をかける子ども(Child making a call from a black phone to a smartphone)

The 39th Katsushika Ward Industrial Fair will be held from October 20th to October 29th. Machida Telecommunication, a telecommunications construction company headquartered in Katsushika Ward, Tokyo, exhibited for the first time, displaying street security cameras and other equipment. Also on display is a black telephone, which is rare these days.

A demonstration of making a call from a black phone to a smartphone was popular with children.

人気デモで子どもたちが長蛇の列をつくった(Children formed long lines at popular demonstration)

The company’s president, Shoichi Machida, said, “I would be happy if young people become interested in telecommunications by having them try black telephones.Recently, telecommunications construction work is having a hard time attracting young people due to a labor shortage. We decided to exhibit to let young people know about the existence of telecommunications construction companies that support cutting-edge technologies such as security cameras and the cloud from a communications perspective”.