Achieving stable power transmission Kyocera’s “Space Transmission Wireless Power Transmission System”|電経新聞

Achieving stable power transmission Kyocera’s “Space Transmission Wireless Power Transmission System”

Kyocera has combined technology that concentrates radio wave (microwave) radiation (beamforming technology) and technology that tracks and controls radio wave radiation in real time according to the radio wave propagation environment (adaptive array technology) to create a 5.7 GHz band. We have developed basic technology to realize a “space-based wireless power transfer system.”
By applying this technology to a wireless power transmission system that supplies power via radio waves, it will be possible to transmit stable power to mobile objects such as smartphones and drones.
If wireless power transmission can be put into practical use, there are high hopes for its realization, as it will improve the flexibility of installing equipment and devices that could not be installed due to the hassle of battery replacement and charging and wiring restrictions.