Utilizing temperature sensors and acoustic sensors Yokogawa Electric|電経新聞

Utilizing temperature sensors and acoustic sensors Yokogawa Electric

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has developed a wireless steam trap monitoring device as part of its new “SushiSensor” lineup, and will start selling it in Japan from November. Sushi Sensor is a wireless solution for industrial IoT with excellent environmental resistance and wide area usage. A total of over 20,000 units have been shipped.
High-quality temperature and acoustic sensors determine the status of the steam trap. Can be used in environments with a maximum steam temperature of 440 degrees or less.
The wireless steam trap monitoring device uses long-distance wireless LoRaWAN communication, which allows communication over a distance of about 1 kilometer and enables equipment monitoring over a vast area. A single base station can connect multiple monitoring devices located over a wide area, and can be installed on existing equipment in a short construction period while reducing network construction costs compared to other methods.