AI understands the intent of the task and automatically converts it into mathematical expression Fujitsu|電経新聞

AI understands the intent of the task and automatically converts it into mathematical expression Fujitsu

Fujitsu provides an AI innovation component on the Fujitsu Kozuchi – Fujitsu AI Platform, an AI platform that allows you to quickly try out cutting-edge AI technology.Individual customers can simply input their business issues in natural language and the AI will understand the intent of the issue. They have developed technology that automatically converts into appropriate mathematical expressions and automatically generates AI innovation components specialized for customer operations.
This technology will be installed on the Fujitsu Kozuchi.
When the company applied this technology to a production scheduling optimization problem in the manufacturing industry, it was able to reduce the man-hours required to create an AI model, which previously took approximately one month, to one day.
The company aims to quickly and automatically generate AI innovation components that perform optimization, prediction, anomaly detection, etc. based on this technology.