Learning about cultural assets on the Metaverse TOPPAN and Total Media Development Institute|電経新聞

Learning about cultural assets on the Metaverse TOPPAN and Total Media Development Institute

TOPPAN and the Total Media Development Institute will learn about cultural properties and research materials held by museums and science museums through classes on the Metaverse and two-way communication with curators and others. , developed a stadium theater that can be used for learning.
The stadium theater is a set of space where science communicators who play the role of teachers give explanations in class style, and content production that faithfully reproduces cultural properties and research materials owned by museums and science museums using high-definition video and 3D animation. The museum will be able to utilize the stadium theater to hold educational programs such as events and study sessions.
Inside the stadium theater, science communicators and participants can freely communicate with each other in addition to broadcasting content, allowing participants to deepen their understanding through a high sense of presence and two-way communication.
Stadium Theater will be produced and operated using the Metaverse service “Metapa” system provided by TOPPAN.