Joint acceptance of construction witnessing with Hokkaido Gas NTT East Hokkaido|電経新聞

Joint acceptance of construction witnessing with Hokkaido Gas NTT East Hokkaido

NTT East Hokkaido and Hokkaido Gas will utilize the “Attendance Reception Web System” provided by NTT Infranet to jointly conduct buried object surveys and witness construction work from road excavation construction companies, which the two companies currently carry out individually.

Lifeline operators such as Hokkaido Gas and NTT East, which own buried underground objects on roads, require advance application from construction companies in order to prevent damage to their own buried objects during road excavation work by construction companies. , conducting surveys of buried objects and on-site attendance during construction.
Therefore, each time a construction company undertakes road excavation work, it is necessary to apply to each lifeline operator by phone, fax, or in person at the counter. It takes time for both construction companies and lifeline operators to attend meetings for each company.

“Attendance Reception Web System” provided by NTT Infranet enables construction companies to respond in a one-stop manner without having to apply to multiple lifeline operators, and improves the efficiency of reception operations for construction companies and lifeline operators. enable.
By providing this system, NTT Infranet aims to solve social issues such as promoting DX in the construction industry.