Improve competitiveness and discover business opportunities with smart receipts Toshiba Data and hands|電経新聞

Improve competitiveness and discover business opportunities with smart receipts Toshiba Data and hands


Toshiba Data and hands will link data with Toshiba Group’s electronic receipt service ” Smart Receipt” and alternative data service ” PERAGARU”. By processing purchasing data for food and beverage-related products provided by “Smart Receipt” and using it as purchasing statistical data, we can effectively utilize data that has been buried in the market until now, improving competitiveness and discovering business opportunities. Realize.
PERAGARU has provided a variety of alternative data in the past, but with the launch of this new service, it will be able to perform an even wider range of analysis and predictions for food and beverage manufacturers.
They perform our own analysis based on purchasing statistical data provided by Toshiba Data and deliver estimated sales amounts for each listed company on a daily basis.