Conducted an analysis of the flow of people on the island during the “2023 Sado International Triathlon Tournament” NTT East Niigata

At the “2023 Sado International Triathlon Tournament” held on Sunday, September 3rd, NTT East Niigata conducted a trial based on the location information of athletes using the GPS tracking system and analyzed the flow of people on the island during the tournament period. carried out. Based on location and time information, a digest video that combines videos of each athlete’s competition shot at 10 locations will be automatically generated and provided to athletes participating in the trial at a later date.
In triathlon competitions, the competition area is wide and long, making it difficult to predict the viewing points for a particular athlete. Additionally, there is a need for participating athletes to see videos of their own competitions.
a trial was conducted to automatically generate a personal digest video by matching GPS data using a GPS tracking system and NTT East’s wireless and video technologies.