Gait analysis as a preventative measure Minamisoma City and RDS|電経新聞

Gait analysis as a preventative measure Minamisoma City and RDS

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Minamisoma City and RDS will begin a demonstration experiment using the gait analysis robot “RDS CORE-Ler” as an initiative to prevent disease in a super-aging society.
In the demonstration experiment, gait analysis was conducted during health checkups in part of Minamisoma City. Subjects performed a 10-meter walk test, and the collected gait data was verified against the gait data of affected individuals held by RDS. Used for early detection of pre-symptomatic disease. In addition to demonstration experiments, we will work with businesses in Minamisoma City to promote preventive measures using gait analysis.
RDS CORE-Ler is a gait measurement system in which a robot equipped with a 3D camera measures its walking posture, and the obtained data is stored and analyzed on a cloud server. High-precision measurements equivalent to walking motion analysis, which previously required an expensive motion capture system, can be performed inexpensively and easily. By specializing in gait measurement, it is now possible to evaluate more items than before.