Male rejuvenation, Female rejuvenation Yuka Kanbayashi (Director of Men’s Clara Clinic)|電経新聞

Male rejuvenation, Female rejuvenation Yuka Kanbayashi (Director of Men’s Clara Clinic)

Immortality is an eternal theme for mankind, and beauty and health care that can make it come true has always been the focus of attention. It is said that one realizes the value of youth only when one loses it, but in many cases, the age at which rejuvenation treatment begins enthusiastically is in the late 30s or later.

Aging can be divided into two types. One is external aging such as spots, wrinkles, and thinning hair, and the other is internal aging such as weakening of physical strength and illness. There is a big difference between men and women in what they care about among these signs of aging. While women tend to be concerned about external aging, men are more sensitive to internal aging. One of the reasons for such a way of thinking is the social background that men are expected to have capitalist strength, while women are expected to be beautiful and youthful. Japan ranks 125th out of 146 countries in the 2023 global gender gap ranking. The ranking has been low every year, but this year it was the lowest ranking ever. Putting aside the pros and cons of this, I feel that men are less interested in the appearance of aging than women, even in actual medical practice.

Against this background, recently, more and more men are seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. A man who is energetically active in society may feel old only on the outside compared to his inner youth. For a man with a youthful inner side who says that age is just a sign, it seems that it is uncomfortable for his appearance to match his age, and he seeks a “age-appropriate” appearance that is suitable for him. Many people are hospitalized.

For women, the ideal is to look as young as in their early twenties, but for men, the younger the better, the better. It’s not about how old you look, it’s a desire to get a youthful and cool appearance for your age. For this reason, the content of aesthetic medicine provided is slightly different for men and women.

Age spots are the first thing women worry about when it comes to aging. Compared to other changes due to aging, such as skeletal changes in the entire face (although it is not well known, the bones themselves change with age), sagging cheeks, and drooping corners of the eyes, it is easier for oneself to perceive them. There are some aspects, but blemishes are something that should not be seen on young and beautiful skin. On the other hand, men tend not to worry about small spots and wrinkles. Dark circles under the eyes are representative of the appearance of aging that many men worry about. As mentioned earlier, it’s not enough for men to look young, so it doesn’t matter if they have a few spots or wrinkles that make them look older. However, when the dark circles under the eyes stand out, it makes the person look tired, which hinders the youthful and energetic atmosphere. Online meetings have become popular due to the pandemic, but many men are surprised to see themselves on the monitor and look more tired and old than they think they are. The main cause is dark circles under the eyes. Next time, I would like to explain the bear treatment in detail.