30% reduction in O-RAN verification NEC and Fujitsu|電経新聞

30% reduction in O-RAN verification NEC and Fujitsu

Under NEDO’s “Research and Development Project for Strengthening the Post-5G Information Communication System Infrastructure,” NEC and Fujitsu will extract the optimal test scenario and generate and verify parameters for post-5G base station equipment (compliant with O-RAN specifications). By automating the series of steps up to the pass/fail judgment of results, significant efficiency has been achieved, such as shortening the interconnectivity verification time between base station equipment from different vendors by more than 30%, assuming the commercial environment of overseas telecommunications carriers. succeeded in making
The two companies will further shorten the time required to introduce a system that combines base station equipment from different vendors by utilizing joint verification with operators and base station equipment vendors in Japan and overseas, and promote the global spread of open 5G networks. and support development.