Expand construction DX to subcontractors. NTT East Chiba, Next Field, and Hirayama Construction|電経新聞

Expand construction DX to subcontractors. NTT East Chiba, Next Field, and Hirayama Construction

NTT East Chiba, Next Field, and Hirayama Construction will expand the DX initiative promoted by Hirayama Construction to partner companies.
Specifically, in order for Hirayama Construction to implement process management and document management at construction sites, they will expand the use of the DX tool “Gemba Site” currently in operation at the site to subcontractors at the site, and also share information within the site. Introduce large-scale signage for communication and improve work efficiency and productivity of the entire site.
In addition, Nextfield provides a dashboard service “e-Stand” that is used to share information on construction sites, and the “Voice KY System” that is used by NTT East’s engineering department for risk prediction activities. We will work to improve safety and realize work style reform by directly supporting the use of the “site site” and other DX tools on site.

Gemba Site is a site-specific website for cooperating contractors, and is a tool for sharing the latest information by converting process charts, drawings, schedules for loading and unloading, etc. into the cloud.

e-Stand is a service that can list the services and software necessary for daily work such as visitor management, notice boards, and safety videos.

Voice KY System is a “danger prediction activity (KY) DX tool” that is used at repair sites for telecommunication services such as telephones and the Internet. The content of KY utterances (voice) at the construction site can be instantly converted to text, and the KY implementation notification to the manager and the feedback function to the worker can effectively improve the worker’s sensitivity to danger.