

When will the conflict between Russia and Ukraine end? The current situation emphasizes the turmoil in Russia and points to the weakening of the Putin administration, but is this really the case? The private military company “Wagner” allegedly revolted against Russia, and the founder of Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, is said to have moved to neighboring Belarus. I don’t quite understand.
What they want is an early ceasefire. As far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that neither Russia nor Ukraine intends to admit defeat, so the key point is to bring it to a truce that obscures victory and defeat. The most ideal thing would be to make it so that both sides can think, “We didn’t lose.”
There is now little point in prolonging this war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has often instigated a battle between democracy and authoritarianism, but the battle between democracy and authoritarianism will probably become more serious after this war is over.
What kind of cooperation will Russia and China form in the post-war process? What kind of countries will follow their alliance? How will the so-called Western camp deal with this?
The real battle takes place during the Cold War. Japan, as the Western faction, will develop various bargaining, but before that, it must contribute to the amicable closing of this war.
How to end the war in a way that does not hurt the self-esteem of both Russia and Ukraine. It is important to prepare a stage that makes both sides think, “We didn’t lose.”
I want to bring a ceasefire as soon as possible. It also reduces the casualties of innocent civilians.
It would also reduce losses for the global economy.
Whether Russia is in turmoil and the Putin administration is weakening is not really clear, but it seems certain that a turning point has been reached.
(Kei Kitajima)