Discovered that an artificial neural network reacts to sounds like humans do NTT

研究の枠組み(ニューラルネットワークの反応を、人間の知覚特性と脳の神経活動とそれぞれ比較した)。A research framework (comparing neural network responses to human perceptual properties and neural activity in the brain, respectively).
NTT has discovered that an artificial neural network that discriminates natural sounds responds like humans to changes in sound amplitude.
This achievement provides a unified understanding of the perceptual characteristics of human amplitude modulation, which has been investigated by perceptual psychology research, and the amplitude modulation processing by the brain, which has been investigated by neuroscience research, in a single framework.
In the future, it is expected to expand into various fields, such as the development of devices that are similar to the structure of the human ear in medical care and welfare.