Series “AI’s View / My View” 8|電経新聞

Series “AI’s View / My View” 8

To what extent can AI be used for complex innovations and eccentric strategies that no one has hitherto come up with? I asked the AI:
From the viewpoint of Japan’s declining population and food security, is it appropriate to turn vacant land in urban areas into farmland and have urban residents produce crops as a side job?

AI’s view: Considering Japan’s declining population and food security issues, the idea of using vacant land in urban areas as farmland and having city residents produce crops as a side business is worth considering.

Improving food security: If food production in urban areas increases, local self-sufficiency will increase, and a stable food supply can be expected. Food can also be transported over shorter distances, which could have a positive impact on the environment.

Revitalization of the local economy: It is expected that the local economy will be revitalized by nurturing businesses related to the production and sale of agricultural products. The creation of new job opportunities and income streams can increase the economic vitality of urban areas.

Formation of communities and promotion of interaction: There is a possibility that community cohesion and cooperative relationships will be strengthened through interaction between urban residents and the formation of communities through agricultural work.

Land use issues in urban areas: Land use restrictions and property rights issues exist when turning vacant land in urban areas into agricultural land. Also, land in urban areas typically has high rents and values, which can create land acquisition and cost challenges.

Lack of agricultural technology and knowledge: In order for urban residents to produce crops, it is necessary to acquire agricultural technology and knowledge. For people with no farming experience, there can be challenges in managing and managing farm operations.

Profitability Issues: Crop production in urban areas can present challenges in terms of scale and efficiency. The land and environmental conditions in urban areas are not suitable for agriculture, so careful consideration of economic profitability is required.

My view: “AI is surprisingly useful.” This is my first impression. Both benefits and concerns seem like a realistic answer.
Empty rooms and vacant lots in urban areas, which are steadily increasing, cause various problems such as encouraging crime and deteriorating landscapes. I believe that the most effective way to deal with this problem is to promote urban agriculture. If urban residents can easily produce agricultural products both as a hobby and for profit, it will lead to a simultaneous solution to the problem of vacant land and food.
Personally, rather than focusing on it as a business, I think it would be better from the perspective of sustainability to make it possible for anyone to easily engage in urban farming as a hobby as a casual side business. If you focus on business, you will have to withdraw if you do not make a profit, so in the end it will be difficult to effectively utilize vacant land.
All of the concerns pointed out by AI can be resolved relatively easily.
For example, the acquisition of agricultural technology and knowledge can be managed through the use of ICT and AI.
Agriculture x ICT is currently a major movement, but with the development of urban agriculture, there is a possibility that it will develop into a new dimension of agriculture x ICT.
As a countermeasure against vacant rooms and vacant lots, it may be good to seriously promote urban agriculture. (Kei Kitajima)