Series “AI’s View / My View” 7|電経新聞

Series “AI’s View / My View” 7

Troubles of My Number Card system continue. There are many things that make people uneasy, such as the registration of another person’s information on the health insurance card integrated with the card, and the mistake of registering public money receipt accounts with different names, which is hindering the spread of My Number cards. ing. I asked  AI whether it is really okay to popularize the My Number Card in this situation.

Should My Number Card be popularized?

AI’s view: Regarding the popularization of My Number cards, careful discussion is necessary from the viewpoint of personal information protection and privacy.

Efficiency of administrative procedures: By using the My Number Card, citizens can proceed smoothly with administrative procedures. It can function as an identification card, and can simplify the time and effort of entering personal information and submitting documents in various procedures such as tax returns and social insurance procedures.
Fraud and Fraud Prevention: The My Number Card serves as a strict identification document and is used for personal identification and authentication. May help prevent fraud and fraud. For example, it may be possible to reduce risks such as unauthorized use of personal information on the Internet and proxy applications by others.

Impact on privacy: My number cards contain personal information, and if the card is lost or stolen, or if personal information is leaked, there is a risk of privacy infringement. As it becomes more popular, hackers and fraudsters may target it.
System security: Security measures are important for the spread of My Number cards. If sufficient security measures are not taken, personal information may be leaked due to unauthorized access or hacking.
Forced use: When promoting the use of My Number Cards, there is concern that citizens will be forced to use them. Forced use against an individual’s will may be a violation of individual freedom and privacy rights.

My view: I believe that the My Number system is essential for the future of Japan. In Japan, where the population is aging and declining, it is essential to improve administrative efficiency and improve convenience for the people, and the My Number system is the foundation for that. Digitization is important for streamlining administration and enhancing convenience for citizens. This move is also valid.
However, it is clearly premature to put security on the back burner in the rush to popularize it. The government blames human error for the spate of troubles, but behind human error lies system deficiencies and security loopholes. A system in which human error usually leads to major trouble is pretty poor. First of all, the system should be properly maintained, including security.
Since it is intended to link information that is very important for people’s lives, such as health insurance cards and bank accounts, it is necessary to prepare carefully just in case. Of course, the system will cost a lot of money to develop, so there will be budget issues, but if you hesitate here, My Number will probably follow the same path as the Basic Resident Registration Network System.
There is another big problem. It is forced use that AI also points out. No matter how important the digitization of society is, if it is forced to proceed ignoring the will of individuals, it will lead to a major public backlash as an infringement on the right to freedom and privacy.
The fastest way to popularize the My Number Card is to develop an excellent system and gently promote its convenience. The government should reread Aesop’s fable “The Sun and the North Wind”.(Kei Kitajima)