“Material count support service” using AI Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions|電経新聞

“Material count support service” using AI Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions

Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions will release “Material Count Support Service”. With this service, a person in charge takes a picture of materials piled up at a construction site with a smart device, and a video analysis AI on the cloud quickly counts the amount of materials and registers them in a management ledger. The count results can be checked not only by the person in charge on site, but also by related parties at other bases.
With conventional counting tools that utilize object recognition in video analysis, it has been difficult to count materials piled up in a jumbled manner, such as at a construction site, with practical accuracy.
The feature of the technology developed by Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions is that it analyzes the position of materials between multiple frames, and also performs integrated processing with 3D point cloud data composed of LiDAR.
As a result, the number of materials can be counted with high accuracy even when materials are piled up on top of each other.
By registering the materials to be counted, users can complete AI learning in a few hours and start this service.
Users can be easily added by simply registering additional applications on smart devices to add new bases and terminals.