Advanced use of robots in smart buildings TIS|電経新聞

Advanced use of robots in smart buildings TIS

As a result of collaboration with NTT Communications (NTT Com), TIS has realized advanced use of robots in smart buildings.
From April 2021, the two companies will conduct a demonstration experiment of interconnection of the two platforms at NTT Com’s “CROSS LAB for Smart City”, and will establish a platform “RoboticBase” that can control TIS’s multi-robots and a smart robot provided by NTT Com. Robots from multiple manufacturers at Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, where Mitsui Fudosan is promoting business as a member of the Yaesu 2-chome North District Urban Redevelopment Association, by interconnecting the data linkage platform “SDPF for City” for cities and smart buildings. and building facilities.
In Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, a total of 19 robots for transportation, cleaning, and security have been introduced by multiple companies.
As an automatic transportation of food delivery, it is envisioned that the robot will receive the product from the delivery person in the lobby, ride the elevator autonomously, and deliver it directly to the orderer in the office. The cleaning robot can move by itself on the elevator and clean the common corridor.