Interconnection of local 5G and TETRA NTT East and Japan Airport Radio Service|電経新聞

Interconnection of local 5G and TETRA NTT East and Japan Airport Radio Service

ローカル5G 対応スマートフォン上のWAVE(WAVE on local 5G-enabled smartphones)

NTT East and Japan Airport Radio Service (NAR) conducted a demonstration experiment using local 5G at Narita International Airport, where the local 5G system built with the managed local 5G service “Giga Raku 5G” provided by NTT East and wireless communication at the airport. Successfully interconnected with the underlying TETRA. As a result, a voice communication environment between local 5G compatible terminals equipped with mission critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) and TETRA terminals has been realized for the first time at a Japanese airport.