Commercialization of know-how of LCA at Hitachi ‘s own office Hitachi|電経新聞

Commercialization of know-how of LCA at Hitachi ‘s own office Hitachi

Dashboard screen of EcoAssist-Pro/LCA

Hitachi introduces the activities and know-how of product life cycle assessment (LCA) toward carbon neutrality implemented at the Kanagawa Works (Hadano City), which is a design and manufacturing base for IT products such as storage, under the name “EcoAssist-Pro/LCA.” ” will be deployed both inside and outside the company.
At the Kanagawa Plant, regardless of whether it is a new product or a product that has already been shipped, CO2 emissions from the procurement of raw materials to the use of fuel and electricity in the manufacturing process and the use and disposal of products are based on the design bill of materials (BOM). We have completed verification of the effects of automatically calculating and visualizing the emissions of each product in detail.
In response to this, we will start sales promotion activities for “EcoAssist-Pro/LCA”, define requirements, and proceed with demonstration tests in the customer environment, aiming to start offering it in March next year.