Exploring Jupiter. Extracting the possibility of existence of life from observation data NICT|電経新聞

Exploring Jupiter. Extracting the possibility of existence of life from observation data NICT

打上げ時の様子(rocket launch)

European Space Agency (ESA) successfully launched a large-scale mission, the Jupiter Ice Moon Probe JUICE, on Friday, April 14th. One of the 11 scientific instruments, the Terahertz Wave Spectrometer (SWI), was developed in collaboration with an international team including Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). NICT is in charge of the primary mirror, secondary mirror, and actuators, and is researching unique algorithms to extract key information on the possibility of the existence of life from observation data. JUICE plans to reach Jupiter in 2031. SWI will study the highly dilute atmosphere, surface, and subsurface of icy moons such as Ganymede, and observe and investigate the potential composition of plumes emerging from the subsurface ocean of Europa’s icy moons. increase. The existence of life on the ice moon. You can find out.