Samples of airgel “SUFA” provided to NTT docomo Tiem Factory|電経新聞

Samples of airgel “SUFA” provided to NTT docomo Tiem Factory

Tiem Factory will provide a sample of airgel “SUFA” (photo) monolith via YKKAP to NTT docomo’s “Experimental verification efforts for realization of houses and offices that achieve both improved radio wave quality and high heat insulation”. 
Airgel is the best solid insulation material. Due to its special molecular structure, it is a mysterious material with many hollow structures inside, and it has better heat insulation than any existing material.
SUFA is a silica airgel currently being developed by Tiem Factory. With a skeletal structure that is more flexible than before, it is possible to provide the world’s only plate-shaped aerogel. Enables transparent composition design.